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Java 6通过新 的脚本引擎使用Python

来源:未知 浏览量:117次

你有没有写过和外部进程或者系统交互的Java代码?你有没有希望使用脚本(Scripting)语言来写?如果你使用Java 6Java 6提供了一个清晰的解决方案在JVM中跑Scripts并且允许Java代码使用Script组件。



首先写一个Python scripts来定义PulsePackage 和 Pulse 类。

class PulsePackage: def __init__(self, packageFile): self.packageFile = packageFile def extractTo(self, destDir): if not os.path.exists(destDir): os.makedirs(destDir) var = {‘destDir’:destDir, ‘packageFile’:self.packageFile} if self.packageFile.endswith(‘.zip’): os.system(“unzip -qd %(destDir)s %(packageFile)s” % var) else: os.system(“tar -zxC %(destDir)s -f %(packageFile)s” % var) return Pulse(os.path.join(destDir, self.getBasename())) class Pulse: def __init__(self, baseDir, port=8080): “”” snipped ““” def start(self, wait=True, service=False): “”” snipped ““” def stop(self, timeout=60, service=False): “”” snipped ““”

然后我们定义一个 Java 接口描述这些 python classes.

public interface PulsePackage{ Pulse extractTo(String target);}public interface Pulse{ void start(); void stop();}

然后我们定义一个factory函数提供在Java tests中运行Python对象权限。

public class JythonPulsePackageFactory implements PulsePackageFactory{ private File scripts = null; private Invocable invocableEngine; public JythonPulsePackageFactory() { this.scripts = new File(“scripts”); ScriptEngine jythonEngine = new ScriptEngineManager(). getEngineByName(“python”); // the packageFactory.py script // contains our python class // definitions, and is loaded // here into the script engine. Reader script = new FileReader( new File(scripts, “packageFactory.py”)); jythonEngine.eval(script); // this invocable engine now // allows us access to execute // python defined methods. invocableEngine = (Invocable) jythonEngine; } public PulsePackage createPackage(File pkg) throws Exception { // the createPackage method is // implemented in python, and // returns an instance (handle) // to python implemented extension // of our PulsePackage interface. return (PulsePackage) invocableEngine.invokeFunction( “createPackage”, pkg.getCanonicalPath()); }}

最后魔法发生我们通过在python script中定义package函数抹去了java和python的鸿沟。

def createPackage(packageFile): return PulsePackage(packageFile)

更新 python 类定义扩展java接口

class Pulse(com.zutubi.pulse.acceptance.Pulse): “”” snipped ““”class PulsePackage(com.zutubi.pulse.acceptance.PulsePackage): “”” snipped ““”


File pkg = new File(“testing-packages/pulse-2.0.0.zip”);JythonPulsePackageFactory factory = new JythonPulsePackageFactory();PulsePackage pulsePackage = factory.createPackage(pkg);File destDir = new File(“tmp”);Pulse pulse = pulsePackage.extractTo(destDir.getCanonicalPath());pulse.start();

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